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Composition photos pre-edit


Composition Photos post edit.


HDR photos

This was my third attempt at HDR. Although I am happy with how it turned out, the circumstances were not perfect. If we had been out on a more clear day the outcome would have been better. It is a little foggy and everything looks kind of hazy. I had trouble with the tripod while shooting. My final photo turned out pretty still, but it was hard to keep it still. On my first attempt I had found a beautiful landscape. But because of the shake in camera it was ruined. In conclusion, I think I would have a better photo if I had more time. It seems the circumstances have to be just right for HDR.



When I made this photo I was just messing around in photoshop. I may have to make more images like this.


When planning and shooting these photos I found some of the links to be more helpful than others.The article that showed the different photos of celebrities was the most helpful. It gave me a good concept of the differences I wanted in my photos. The next link I found helpful was the photos of the monkey. Although I generally have an idea of how to position my model, it was helpful to be reminded.


This is my first attempt at the human figure. Its an okay first try but I want to keep working on it.


A huge silver lining for me is getting to play lots of guitar!


My cat is excellent and she makes me happy.



When reading the article there was 2 key questions to consider. Which tree is the main actor? and which trees are the supporting actors? Now after considering this I could see which tree I wanted to be my main subject but it was hard to distinguish. I think in my best photograph I took a photo of the road leading up to my main focus tree. This created some nice leading lines and allowed the tree to be more distinguished. This assignment was nice. Its good to get out and go for a nice walk like that. I always find it hard to photograph trees in a forest. I'd like to try this again with a dslr instead of my phone.



In the articles there were many guiding principles to help me. But 2 ideas stood out the most to me. That was to direct the viewers focus and reveal form. For example in my photo of the skate boarder. In one photo of him the shadow lead right up to his body. Not only was the form of the skater captured but it also gave your eyes something to follow. I found this to be an interesting part of the assignment. This is an assignment i'd like to try again. The photo of the skate boarder and the photo with 2 different shadows of the same face were my favorites. Those are ones i'd like to recreate.



Now what I learned from the article was to focus on depth, texture, and patterns. I didn't have much control over this given I was using my cellphone. But it still gave me some ideas of what to look for in my photos. This will definitely be helpful for future reference. Texture is something I have worked with before and I always enjoy it. There is something really satisfying about it. I found that I captured better texture with lower light. This was hard to control on my phone camera but even with the little control I had I found better results in lower light.

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